About Peter Thomson

Meet Peter


“People will never consistently do – who they aren’t”

It’s true. And it’s what stops you and me and our fellow travellers from reaching the level of success we so richly deserve. There is a solution.

Starting business on 2nd February 1972 as a Private Investigator. Then as an entrepreneur, moving through selling the early carphones, then setting up a leasing business which I sold for a few million and retired at 42.

Oops! Then the shares felt out the sky like a free falling safe. Start again.

Since then, I’ve spent the last 30+ years helping fellow consultants, coaches and business owners to share their hard-won knowledge with a waiting world.

As the UK’s most prolific information product creator and author (details here) I love seeing the light go on as my clients (and friends) realise just how valuable they and their ideas can be. And as they build businesses and lives of choice – I smile with them. Oh yes!

If you help your clients to...


Solve problems, capitalise on opportunities and achieve their personal and commercial goals, then getting rightfully rewarded can be a challenge.

The Solution:

In clear language I’ll explain for you the ideas and methods I’ve learned and tested (in the real world) over the last 50 years in business.

You’ll discover:

✅ How to avoid the BIG pricing mistake many professionals unwittingly make

✅ Which of these 6 Pricing Models work for you, your style and your clients

 How to attract only those ‘love to work with’ clients

And so much more

Yes, I want to get paid!